A few months into the pandemic I bought a camera so I could take pictures of birds and other wildlife. I learned a lot about taking photos and added a lot of new birds to my life list. Most importantly it eased my mind during a time when the world felt like it was falling apart. Here are some photos from this past year.
July 2020 – Nikon D7500, Nikkor 70-300 mm
Rabbit on the trail at Ivy Creek Natural Area
A young deer peeks at our car from the woods
A song sparrow in my yard
An eastern painted turtle relaxes on a log at Ivy Creek Natural Area
August 2020 – Nikon D7500, Nikkor 70-300 mm
A Canada goose at PVCC
A robber fly at PVCC
A Carolina wren calls on a branch at Ragged Mountain Reservoir
An Eastern bluebird sits on a fence at Pen Park
An Eastern box turtle at Ivy Creek Natural Area
A brown thrasher at Pen Park
A sparrow pecks among the ivy
September 2020 – Nikon D7500, Nikkor 70-300 mm
Carolina chickadee perches on a branch
Hermit thrush hides in a pine tree
American goldfinch sitting on some thistles
Bald eagle flies over Ivy Creek Natural Area
A warbler among the branches
A great blue heron sits on a log at the end of the peninsula trail at Ivy Creek Natural Area
October 2020 – Nikon D7500, Nikkor 70-300 mm & Sigma 150-600mm
A cow grazes in a field
A pine warbler at Ivy Creek Natural Area
Nashville warbler at Ivy Creek Natural Area
Song sparrow
Great blue heron flies over the river
Tufted titmouse
White-throated sparrow
Palm warbler
November 2020 – Nikon D7500, Nikkor 70-300 mm & Sigma 150-600mm
Northern cardinal at PVCC
Carolina wren
Brown creeper
Golden-crowned kinglet at Ivy Creek Natural Area
Fox sparrow at Ivy Creek Natural Area
Eastern bluebird at Ivy Creek Natural area
Beautiful doe in the field
Red-tailed hawk at Ivy Creek Natural Area
Ruby-crowned kinglet in flight
Eastern towhee calls out at Ivy Creek Natural Area
Cedar waxwing at Ivy Creek Natural Area
Tiny fawn
December 2020 – Nikon D7500, Nikkor 70-300 mm & Sigma 150-600mm
Downy woodpecker
Eastern bluebird
Carolina chickadee
White-breasted nuthatch
Red-breasted nuthatch
Northern mockingbird
Downy woodpecker
Song sparrow
January 2021 – Nikon D7500, Nikkor 70-300 mm & Sigma 150-600mm
Carolina wren proudly shows off on a branch
Yellow-bellied sapsucker at Ivy Creek Natural Area
Northern mockingbird
Carolina wren
Hermit thrush
Northern cardinal
Tufted titmouse
February 2021 – Nikon D7500, Nikkor 70-300 mm & Sigma 150-600mm
Carolina chickadee in winter
Icy Northern cardinal
White-throated sparrow
Song sparrow
American robin
Eastern bluebird at Ivy Creek Natural Area
Singing Carolina wren
March 2021 – Nikon D7500, Nikkor 70-300 mm & Sigma 150-600mm
Eastern bluebird at Pen Park
Northern mockingbird
European starling at Pen Park
American crow gathering nesting materials
Muscovy (domestic) duck at Ivy Creek Natural Area
My pet cat
My pet cat
Eastern bluebird at PVCC
White-throated sparrow
Great blue heron flying over the river
Red-tailed hawk at Greenbrier Park
Chipping sparrow at Greenbrier park
Pileated woodpecker
Mourning dove
April 2021 – Nikon D7500, Nikkor 70-300 mm & Sigma 150-600mm
Red-bellied woodpecker
Mourning dove at Greenbrier Park
Eastern bluebird
Chipping sparrow at PVCC
American robin gathering nesting materials
Northern flicker
Eastern phoebe
Common yellowthroat
Turtle at Greenbrier park
Pileated woodpecker
Duckling at Greenbrier Park
Song sparrow
Female cowbird
Yellow-rumped warbler
Orchard oriole
Carolina wren
Brown thrasher
May 2021 – Nikon D7500, Nikkor 70-300 mm & Sigma 150-600mm
Yellow warbler
Cape May warbler
Northern parula
Eastern kingbird
Yellow warbler
Carolina chickadee
Song sparrow
Common yellowthroat
Common grackle playing in the riber
Blackpoll warbler
Red-tailed hawk
Orchard oriole
Black-and-white warbler
Magnolia warbler
Northern flicker
Cedar waxwings playing in the river
Cedar waxwing
Common grackles
June 2021 – Nikon D7500, Nikkor 70-300 mm & Sigma 150-600mm
Northern flicker fledgling
Indigo bunting
Yellow chat
Rabbit at Ivy Creek Natural Area
Great blue heron rookery
Great blue heron rookery
Great blue heron rookery
Great blue heron rookery
Ruby-throated hummingbird
Cedar waxwing
Female scarlet tanager
Yellow-billed cuckoo
Yellow-billed cuckoo
July 2021 – Nikon D7500, Nikkor 70-300 mm & Sigma 150-600mm
Mallard duck
Mallard duck
Mallard duck
Red-winged blackbird
Eastern bluebird
Orchard orioles